Timetable Castle HillCastle Hill Bowling Club, 79 Castle Street,Castle Hill NSW 2154 AUSTRALIAPhone: (02) 8883 3449Email: castlehill@gymbaroo.com.auUrl: https://www.gymbaroothehills.com.au/ KeyLevel 1PlatypusBirth to CrawlingLevel 2WombatCrawling to 12 MonthsLevel 3Penguin12 Months to 18 MonthsLevel 4Koala18 Months to 2 YearsLevel 5Wallaby2 Years to 2.5 YearsLevel 6Kangaroo2.5 Years to 3 YearsLevel 7Possum3 Years to 4 YearsLevel 8Emu4 Years to 5 Years