GymbaROO and KindyROO: Who, what, why, when, where and how

GymbaROO and KindyROO: Who, what, why, when, where and how

GymbaROO kids are excelling academically, emotionally, in leadership roles and on the sporting field. Classes from birth – 5 yrs

“GymbaROO – Simply the best decision I ever made for my child.”

What is GymbaROO

GymbaROO is known as KindyROO in southeast Queensland and internationally. Our program for babies from birth to twelve months is known as Baby ROO and our free online 12 part series for parents and babies (birth – crawling) is called the Active Babies Smart Kids series. Today there are hundreds of thousands of parents babies and children enjoying our highly acclaimed programs.

GymbaROO: Take a quick look!

The GymbaROO program

GymbaROO has been providing quality neuro-developmental programs for babies and children from birth to five years and their parents for over thirty years and is indisputably Australia’s most popular and successful parent-child education program. Our programs come highly recommended by professionals and our GymbaROO classes are enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of babies, children and parents in Australia and worldwide.


Our programs are gaining even greater popularity as more and more evidence is being documented confirming the long-term benefits of GymbaROO. Children who have been through the GymbaROO programs are excelling academically, on the sporting field and in leadership roles. School teachers are describing those children who have been through our programs as having higher levels of concentration, better behavior, confidence and communication skills and being generally more socially mature and physically capable than their peers.


The GymbaROO program is backed by years of research into child development. Our developmental philosophy is based on the work of many experts who have determined the important role that milestone progression plays in development, as well as our own 30+ years of experience of working with babies and children. Read the research here.

What babies and children really need are parent, carers and teachers who understand neuro-development and act on this knowledge

GymbaROO stands out as being the ONLY parent-child program in the world that specialises in research-based, scientifically rational, neuro-developmental, fun learning environments for babies to school aged children and their parents. It is also the only program in the world that has integrated key developmental activities, essential for complete development in each age and stage of development, into a comprehensive and all-encompassing program.


Unlike other formal child development programs, GymbaROO appreciates the important role that parents play in their child’s early development and we pride ourselves on delivering to our parents the best and most up to date information regarding the importance of the early years to later development and learning. At GymbaROO, parents learn how to help their children maximise learning potential through fun, developmentally appropriate activities.


GymbaROO can make a huge difference to how well children do in life. Attending GymbaROO over a period of five years can make an outstanding difference to your child’s future on the sporting field, academically and in life in general.

Thousands of children have benefited from attending GymbaROO. So many have gone on to be successful in school, at sport, in art and drama and as leaders of the community.

Your child’s natural developmental timetable will not wait for someone else to catch them up once they reach school. You can join with your little one at any time and have a great time learning now, so why wait?



GymbaROO wasn’t just a place for kids to play, or even just to learn, it was what saved me as a mother. I didn’t feel helpless or alone anymore or confused as to what to do as my child grew and changed, I had GymbaROO. As a single mother, it especially meant so much to me that the people there cared about what I learned and what I knew regarding how to be the best mum I could be. I did this on a single parent’s pension. I put this first. I will never be able to express my gratitude for what Mari-Ann and Mitcham GymbaROO did for me and for my son. It was simply the most important decision I ever made for the health, development and well-being of my child. GymbaROO should be in every state and country, a mandatory approach to bringing up children. We owe it to our children to give them the best start – and this is it. Thank you GymbaROO.” Louise 


Why GymbaROO

The latest neuro-developmental research

The supporting documentation is now vast and undeniable. Mounting empirical evidence now supports the underlying concepts upon which GymbaROO was founded. Neuro-scientific studies confirm that the experiences a child has in the earliest years of life are absolutely critical for brain development and for laying down the foundations for all future learning. It is during this time that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down. How well children behave, read and learn at school is directly related to the kinds of stimulation they experienced in the years before school. As a result, these formative years shape a child’s future health, happiness, development, learning ability and achievement at school.


Research into brain development clearly shows that in the early years, brain connectivity occurs as a result of movement experiences. Introducing the correct movement experiences into babies and young children’s daily lives from the earliest months will have a profound influence on neurological organisation, brain growth and intelligence. Babies and children who have the right early movement experiences are found to have improved coordination, concentration, memory, perception and improved confidence, communication and socialisation skills.


Our modern lifestyle interferes significantly with the natural, expected, physiological stimuli required for optimal brain development and this affects how ready our brain is for learning. Understanding how lifestyle changes impact on the foundations for learning, and applying a solution is the way forward. GymbaROO has a model that parents and children have enjoyed for over 30 years and many thousands of parents have witnessed its great value in assisting their children’s development and readiness for school.


Your family’s GymbaROO journey:

How to start

The earlier you start GymbaROO, the more of a difference you can make to your child’s future learning ability. It is in these first years of life that the foundations for later learning, social and emotional health and success are laid. Healthy brain development begins before birth and the foundations for future learning skills are naturally laid in the first five years.


During pregnancy – Our Active Babies Smart Kids free online series

We encourage all expecting parents to begin their GymbaROO journey during pregnancy with our free online Active Babies Smart Kids series. The earlier in your parenting career that you and your partner learn the important developmental information included in our series, the better for everyone. Well-educated parents make more confident parents. Watching the sections of this 12 part series that are relevant for expecting parents will take you little more than one hour. ONE HOUR to make a huge investment in your baby’s future. Read more here.


After birth – continue with our Active Babies Smart Kids free online series

You, as parents, can have a dramatic influence over your baby’s brain growth and his/her future learning ability. Your baby’s brain grows most rapidly in the first twelve months of life and this is a critical period for learning. What happens in the first year of life affects all later development.


When you and your baby are ready, you can gently begin the movement experiences and learning opportunities included in our Active Babies Smart Kids series. These can be started from the earliest weeks after birth and are easy, natural and loving. They are also fantastic for bonding. Register for the Active Babies Smart Kids series here.

Babies thrive on activities that are developmentally beneficial and parents thrive when babies thrives. It’s a win–win. We believe that every parent has the right to give their child the chance to be the best that s/he can be and the right to easily access information so they can make this happen. This is why our GymbaROO Active Babies Smart Kids twelve-part, online video series for parents of babies is entirely FREE. Our series is highly recommended by doctors, paediatricians, early childhood experts and the Maternal Child and Family Health Nurses Association and is being called: ‘The essential guide for parents.’


GymbaROO classes: From 6 weeks of age to 5 years

Our classes are great fun! Babies love them. Children love them. Parents love them.


How old does my child need to be?

You can begin GymbaROO classes with your baby once he/she reaches six weeks of age and you can continue right up until five years of age. You can join in at any time in these first five years, however the earlier the better!


GymbaROO classes start with our BabyROO non-crawling and crawling classes and move right through to school readiness classes. Our classes are specific for ages and stages of development and include activities that promote the development of physical, social, emotional, communication and thinking skills at each level of development.

Find out more about our classes here

Click here for information on our free BabyROO trial classes!


When are classes and how long do they go for?

You bring your baby or child to your class once a week. Here you join other local families and experience the wonderful socialisation, learning and movement opportunities involved in our internationally acclaimed program. Watch as your child brightens with excitement and participates with enthusiasm. Be actively involved as he/she experiences the pure joy of learning!


Classes run for approximately 45 minutes. GymbaROOs generally run the same weeks as school terms, however check with your local centre as some centres also run holiday programs. Enrolments generally begin three weeks before the end of term.


Your GymbaROO instructors

Tertiary qualified, neuro-educationally trained teachers run our classes. Your teaching team are your local experts in child neuro-development. They are inspiring and care deeply about you and your child and his/her development. They will be working with you to help ensure that your child is given the opportunities to lay down the crucial foundations for later learning, working towards maximising his/her real potential.Gymbaroo_Babyroo_fun_child_development


During class

During your class you and your child will be guided through a wide range of fun and loving activities that are perfect for the developing brain and body. Together with your child you will actively engage in our program and sing, learn hand plays, exercise, experience massage, music, dance, games and play with the beautiful colourful parachute.


You and your child will also enjoy small equipment activities using beanbags, balls, hoops, swisher ribbons, ropes and more.


We have a special Treasure Bag time loved by the children and important for language, social interaction, tactile experiences and imagination.


Throughout each term your teaching team will share with you important information, helping you understand your child’s development and why each activity helps to build key brain pathways essential for healthy neurological development.

Our equipment

We have a room full of fabulous equipment that has been specifically designed for babies and children. They can practise their developing skills while climbing, balancing, jumping, tumbling, swinging and more.


Parent handouts with home activity suggestions

Throughout the term you will receive take home parent information sheets and activity suggestions. These are designed to further consolidate your understanding of key developmental stages and to provide you with daily activities you can do at home with your child to promote neurological excellence in these crucial early years of early development.


Finding your local GymbaROO or KindyROO centre

The first GymbaROO centre was established in Melbourne, Australia in 1983. It was the first of its kind and was quickly successful. There are now close to 100 centres in Australia and many overseas. To find your nearest centre click here: GymbaROO

Not a GymbaROO / KindyROO near you?

Our outreach programs

Active Babies Smart Kids free online BabyROO series

GymbaROO Education Packs: For birth – school readiness

Our DVD series for infants to school age

Start a GymbaROO franchise!

GymbaROO Sensorimotor Programs for childcare centres, preschools and primary schools

Join us on Facebook and Instagram to enjoy all the fun plus our latest articles on baby and child development

GymbaROO, how it all came about

GymbaROO is an Australian innovation, founded in Melbourne over 30 years ago by the pioneering determination of Margaret Sassé. Margaret was responding to the ongoing challenge of children with learning difficulties in school. After extensive research and travel, GymbaROO was her solution. What did Margaret find? In a nutshell, Margaret learned that children’s movement experiences in the first five years of life formed the bedrock of a child’s success in life – be it academic, emotional, social or physical. Thirty years on, there is an enormous amount of research supporting everything that Margaret advocated. She really was well ahead of the game. We can’t thank you enough Marg.

Read More: GymbaROO: How it all came about

GymbaROO images in this article by the wonderful Studio Z Photography

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