Level 7 – School Readiness Stage 1 (3 to 4 years)

Possums love to hang, swing, climb, run, gallop, hop and somersault, in fact they love all movement! They are also becoming far more social and enjoy playing with other children and able to work more independently from their parent or carer.

Level 7 Possum (School Readiness Stage 1) classes build on the skills and abilities acquired in previous terms. The aim of our School Readiness classes is to ensure your child is neurologically, physically and emotionally ready for kindy, prep and school. During this year we introduce activities that encourage children to think and move automatically at the same time. This is critical for efficient and inspired learning at school.

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Our Level 7 Possum Program involves:

  • Providing sensory motor perceptual stimulation equipment circuits that promote sensory integration and laterality. It is very important for those children of this age who need further consolidation of these stages.
  • Encouraging automaticity of movement patterns by increasing the number and complexity of cross pattern activities e.g. crocodiles, the use of the opposite arm or leg in throwing, walking, running, marching, as well as hopping, marching and skipping.
  • Encouraging greater team work, lining up and following 3 or 4 instructions from the teacher or the CDs for both the dances and the exercises.
  • Including lots of activities like games and relays where children need to remember instructions and perform the actions at a faster speed in a group situation with less help from their parents.
  • Helping develop visual and auditory sequencing that are critical skills for reading, writing and following instructions. These tasks require advanced processing from the brain and when a child can achieve them, it indicates that this is happening.
  • Incorporating specific activities that help your child to consolidate their left and right side awareness as well as directionality which is important for reading and writing as it helps them to see the difference between ‘b’ and ‘d’ and ‘p’ and ‘q’.
  • Auditory work including counting and activities that require attention and concentration.
  • Word sequential visualisation work, using a word sequential reading series, and visual exercises.
  • Fine motor skill development through finger plays and action rhymes as well as crossing under the overhead ladder and swinging on the trapeze.
  • Balance and coordination by climbing, swinging, hanging, tumbling and moving along equipment in specific and challenging ways.
  • Small equipment activities and group work with and without parents.


  • In the year before going to Prep
  • Ready for challenging balance and motor tasks
  • Able to follow complex instructions

Level 8: Emus

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